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In Stock
Khoysan bio Currypulver, 100 g Eine neue Gewürzmischung, Bio Currypulver mit mittlerer Schärfe besteht aus 18 verschiedenen Zutaten. Aromatisch und bekömmlich passt  es gut zu asiatische Gerichte, aber auch Eintöpfen, Eierspeisen, Fisch, Reisgerichten, Suppen, Saucen, Dips und Aufstrichen verleiht es eine angenehm würzige Note. Detailinformationen: 100g Curypulver, mittel Scharf, in einer Dose (plastikfrei) mit Korkdeckel. *Kurkuma*, Koriander*, Senf*, Meersalz, Knoblauch*, Kümmel*, Ingwer*, Fenchel*, Bockshornklee*, Kreuzkümmel*, Basilikum*, Oregano*, Rosmarin*, Thymian*, Cayennepfeffer*, Liebstöckel*,...
1030  (Incl. tax)
100 g (10300 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan bio Knoblauch und Petersilie 200 g Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist die Basis aller Khoysan Kräutersalze. Biologisch zertifizierte Kräuter, möglichst aus lokal österreichischen Quellen, werden in kleinen Einheiten händisch gemischt um die feinen Aromen der Kräuter zu gewährleisten und nicht auf "Teesackerl" Qualität zu reduzieren. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan bio Knoblauch und Petersilie in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel unjodiert, ohne...
920  (Incl. tax)
200 g (4600 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan bio Kräuter und Blüten 200 g Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist die Basis aller Khoysan Kräutersalze. Biologisch zertifizierte Kräuter, möglichst aus lokal österreichischen Quellen, werden in kleinen Einheiten händisch gemischt um die feinen Aromen der Kräuter zu gewährleisten und nicht auf "Teesackerl" Qualität zu reduzieren. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan bio Kräuter und Blüten in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe 97...
960  (Incl. tax)
200 g (4800 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan bio Paprika edelsüß, 100 g Dose Dieses brillant-rote, aromatische Paprikapulver verleiht den Gerichten eine schöne Farbe und eine fruchtig-milde Note. Es ist unverzichtbar in allen Arten von Gulasch, wunderbar zu Fisch-, Geflügel- und Lammgerichten und verleiht Aufstrichen, Gemüsen, Suppen und Käse eine besondere Note. Von Bio-Kleinbauern in der Region Szeged, Südungarn, werden die Paprika von Hand gepflanzt und von Mitte September bis Mitte Oktober von Hand geerntet. Nach einer Nachreifephase von 2 bis 3 Wochen, werden die Paprika auf einer Steinmühle zu Paprikapulver in unerreichter Spitzenqualität vermahlen....
1040  (Incl. tax)
100 g (10400 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan bio Zitronenthymian mit Orange & Zitrone 200g Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist die Basis aller Khoysan Kräutersalze. Biologisch zertifizierte Kräuter, möglichst aus lokal österreichischen Quellen, werden in kleinen Einheiten händisch gemischt um die feinen Aromen der Kräuter zu gewährleisten und nicht auf "Teesackerl" Qualität zu reduzieren. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan bio Zitronenthymian und Orange in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel...
1075  (Incl. tax)
200 g (5375 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan Fleur de Sel Kristalle 200 g m Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee – die Quelle für sämtliche Khoysan Salze. Fleur de Sel ist eine Art der Salz Gewinnung - ein Salz, das direkt von der Sonne an die Oberfläche des Salzgartens kristallisiert wird. Fleur de Sel hat besonders viel Licht in sich und ist vom Geschmack her milder und runder als die Salzkristalle, die am Boden des Salzgartens reifen. Die Kristallauslesung wird nicht gesiebt, sondern von Hand in Flocken oder feine Kristalle verlesen. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Fleur de Sel Kristalle in...
1010  (Incl. tax)
200 g (5050 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan Fleur de Sel Kristalle 200 g m Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee – die Quelle für sämtliche Khoysan Salze. Fleur de Sel ist eine Art der Salz Gewinnung - ein Salz, das direkt von der Sonne an die Oberfläche des Salzgartens kristallisiert wird. Fleur de Sel hat besonders viel Licht in sich und ist vom Geschmack her milder und runder als die Salzkristalle, die am Boden des Salzgartens reifen. Die Kristallauslesung wird nicht gesiebt, sondern von Hand in Flocken oder feine Kristalle verlesen. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Fleur de Sel Kristalle in...
1030  (Incl. tax)
125 g (8240 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Einheit: Bio Algen & Kräutern + Natur-fein
  Rondo Gewürz   ein ›runder Auftakt‹ zur Entdeckung der khoysan -Meersalze in einer Geschenkbox. Inhalt: zwei 200 g Dosen, lieferbar in folgenden Zusammenstellungen: • Bio Algen & Kräutern + Natur-fein • Bio Kräuter & Blüten + Natur-fein • Bio Knoblauch & Petersilie + Natur-fein • Bio Chilli & Cayennepfeffer + Natur-fein • Bio Zitronenthymian & Orange + Natur-fein Bitte bei Bestellung bekannt geben
Bio Algen & Kräutern + Natur-feinBio Chilli & Cayennepfeffer + Natur-feinBio Knoblauch & Petersilie + Natur-feinBio Kräuter & Blüten + Natur-feinBio Zitronenthymian & Orange + Natur-fein
Einheit: Bio Algen & Kräutern + Natur-fein
In Stock
Khyosan Salz natur grob 200 g   Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist harmonisch im Geschmack und durch seine hohe Würzkraft sparsam im Gebrauch. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Meersalz natur fein in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel handgeerntet, sonnengetrocknet, unraffinierte Meersalz-Kristalle - weder gemahlen, noch hitzebehandelt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, gesiebt in feine Körnung
720  (Incl. tax)
200 g (3600 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khyosan Salz natur grob 200 g   Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist harmonisch im Geschmack und durch seine hohe Würzkraft sparsam im Gebrauch. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Meersalz natur fein in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel handgeerntet, sonnengetrocknet, unraffinierte Meersalz-Kristalle - weder gemahlen, noch hitzebehandelt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, gesiebt in feine Körnung
1300  (Incl. tax)
1000 g (1300 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Geschenkset/Probierset  9 Glasröhrchen mit Korkverschluß in einer Geschenkbox,  gestaltet und gefaltet in der Khoysan Werkstatt - so werden die 9 verschiedenen Khoysan Salze edel und gebührend präsentiert - vollkommen plastikfrei. 9 Glasröhrchen in einer Wellkartonbox mit je 14g Khoysan Salz natur fein natur grob Zitronenthymian & Orange Algen & Kräuter Kräuter & Blütern Knoblauch & Petersilie Chilli & Cayenne Fleur de Sel Kristalle 8g Fleur de Sel Flocken Bio Kontrolnr AT-BIO-401
Anlass & Gelegenheit: Geburtstag, Jahrestag, Jubiläum, Muttertag, Ostern, Thanksgiving, Weihnachten
1450  (Incl. tax)
In Stock
Khoysan Schwarzer bio Pfeffer, Tellicherry, ganz, 100 g Dose Unentbehrlich in unserer Küche – wird seit 3000 Jahren in der ayurwedischen Küche als heißes, scharfes Gewürz verwendet. Einerseits zur Geschmackssteigerung, besonders aber auch wegen seines anregenden Einflusses auf Agni, das Verdauungsfeuer und die Lebenskraft im Ayurveda. Tellicherry ist der Name des traditionellen Ausfuhrhafens und Synonym für diese hohe Pfefferqualität aus Kerala, Südindien, die sich durch extragroße Beeren und ein intensives Aroma auszeichnet. Er stammt aus dem Kleinbauernprojekt der Peermade Development Society (PDS)....
1040  (Incl. tax)
100 g (10400 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 14% vol, Brand: Klinec Inn
The Klinec Gardelin Sivi Pinot, an exquisite Pinot Gris from Slovenia, presents itself in a dark orange robe. This wine, which spends about two weeks on the skins and is minimally sulfured, reveals a fascinating complexity. Its rich aroma, ranging from fruity to earthy notes, seduces the palate with a balanced blend of elegance and power. The 14% alcohol content gives it a pleasant warmth, while its aging potential of approximately 5 - 10 years underscores its quality and maturity.   Recommended Enjoyment Moments This wine pairs excellently with hearty meat dishes, prosciutto, and smoked fish. It is the perfect...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 14% vol
Product from: Slovenia
Special features: Pinot Gris, approx. 2 weeks on the skins, unfiltered, minimal addition of sulphur
Brand: Klinec Inn
3900  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (5200 € per Liter)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 13% vol, Brand: Klinec Inn
The Klinec Jakot is an outstanding wine with a bright orange hue that awakens the senses. With an alcohol content of 13% and a potential aging of at least 10 years, this wine from the 2011 vintage reveals its complex aromatics. The grape gives the wine a unique texture and distinctive character. Aging in small oak barrels and a maceration period of 1 to 2 weeks result in a deep, rich flavor profile appreciated by experienced wine enthusiasts.   Recommended Enjoyment Moments This wine pairs perfectly with Asian and flavor-rich dishes. Its structure and aroma complement spicy and aromatic dishes excellently. Serve...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 13% vol
Product from: Slovenia
Brand: Klinec Inn
3500  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (4667 € per Liter)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 13% vol, Brand: Klinec Inn
Der Klinec Jakot is an outstanding wine with a bright orange tone that awakens the senses. With an alcohol content of 13% and a cellar life of at least 10 to 15 years, this wine from the 2016 vintage unfolds its complex aromatic profile. The grape imparts a unique texture and unmistakable character to the wine. Aging in small oak barrels and a maceration period of 1 to 2 weeks ensure a deep, rich flavor palette appreciated by experienced wine enthusiasts.   Recommended Enjoyment Moments with...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 13% vol
Product from: Slovenia
Brand: Klinec Inn
3100  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (4133 € per Liter)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 14% vol, Brand: Klinec Inn
The Klinec Gardelin Sivi Pinot, an exquisite Pinot Gris from Slovenia, presents itself in a light red robe. This wine, which spends about two weeks on the skins and is minimally sulfured, reveals fascinating complexity. Its rich aroma, ranging from fruity to earthy notes, seduces the palate with a balanced blend of elegance and power. The alcohol content of 14% lends it a pleasant warmth, while the aging potential of at least 10 to 15 years underscores its quality and maturity.  ...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 14% vol
Product from: Slovenia
Special features: Pinot Gris, approx. 2 weeks on the skins, unfiltered, minimal addition of sulphur
Brand: Klinec Inn
3100  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (4133 € per Liter)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 14% vol
The Keuper & Kalk Cuvée by Stephan Kraemer is a worthy representative of white natural wines from Germany. Mosty, slightly yeasty, cloudy yet remarkably easy to drink and aromatic. An exciting natural wine for everyday enjoyment with only 11% alcohol, full of freshness, with fine tannic grip and invigorating juiciness. Produced from Bacchus, Müller-Thurgau, and Joanniter grape varieties, it results in an exciting, easy-to-drink Cuvée. Its name comes from the gypsum keuper and limestone soils of the Franconian region. Stephan Kraemer's personal stylistic signature is clearly evident in this vinophilic creation: bone-dry, mineral,...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 14% vol
Vegan: Vegan
Special features: Istrian Malvazija, mash fermentation, natural yeasts, 18 months storage in wooden barrels, unfiltered, minimal addition of sulphur
1500  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (2000 € per Liter)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 14% vol
The Silvaner 2022 by Stephan Kraemer is a Franconian natural wine straight out of a picture book. Without any kitsch and without fruit. Instead, it offers a wonderful spontaneous fermentation note, wonderfully spicy, mineral/stony, and almost herbal. Despite its prominent acidity, it is anything but rustic. On the contrary. An unmistakable Kraemer creation, sophisticated and authentic.   Recommended Enjoyment Moments The Silvaner 2022 is a good companion for vegetarian dishes, soups, cheese platters, as well as Mediterranean cuisine. Its spicy, mineral note makes it the ideal partner for cozy hours with friends...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 14% vol
Vegan: Vegan
Special features: Istrian Malvazija, mash fermentation, natural yeasts, 18 months storage in wooden barrels, unfiltered, minimal addition of sulphur
1600  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (2133 € per Liter)
In Stock
Khyosan Salz natur fein 200 g   Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist harmonisch im Geschmack und durch seine hohe Würzkraft sparsam im Gebrauch. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Meersalz natur fein in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel handgeerntet, sonnengetrocknet, unraffinierte Meersalz-Kristalle - weder gemahlen, noch hitzebehandelt, unjodiert, ohne Reieselhilfe, gesiebt in feine Körnung
720  (Incl. tax)
200 g (3600 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khyosan Salz natur fein 200 g   Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist harmonisch im Geschmack und durch seine hohe Würzkraft sparsam im Gebrauch. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Meersalz natur fein in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel handgeerntet, sonnengetrocknet, unraffinierte Meersalz-Kristalle - weder gemahlen, noch hitzebehandelt, unjodiert, ohne Reieselhilfe, gesiebt in feine Körnung
1300  (Incl. tax)
1000 g (1300 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 14.5% vol, Brand: La Castellada
The La Castellada Bianco della Castellada is an exceptional wine that captures the essence of Italian winemaking. This dark orange cuvée, a harmonious blend of Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon, Chardonnay, and Tocai Friulano, offers an unforgettable tasting experience. With an alcohol content of 14.5% and a aging potential of at least 10 to 15 years, this wine unfolds its full glory. On the palate, a rich bouquet unfolds, seducing the senses with its balance and depth. The combination of different grape varieties creates a unique texture that is both velvety and lively. This wine is a masterpiece of aging in small oak...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 14.5% vol
Product from: Italien
Special features: Cuvee aus Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Tocai Friulano
2800  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (3733 € per Liter)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 14.5% vol, Brand: La Castellada
The La Castellada Friulano is an exceptional wine that captures the essence of Italian winemaking. This dark orange wine offers an unforgettable tasting experience. With an alcohol content of 14.5% and a shelf life of at least 10 to 15 years, this wine unfolds its full splendor. On the palate, a rich bouquet unfolds, seducing the senses with its balance and depth. The combination of different grape varieties results in a unique texture that is both velvety and lively. This wine is a masterpiece of aging in small wooden barrels, which adds an additional dimension of sophistication and character. The maceration period of up to a week...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 14.5% vol
Product from: Italien
Special features: Cuvee aus Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Tocai Friulano
2800  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (3733 € per Liter)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 14.5% vol, Brand: La Castellada
The La Castellada Ribolla is an exceptional wine that captures the essence of Italian winemaking. This dark orange wine offers an unforgettable tasting experience. With an alcohol content of 14.5% and a shelf life of at least 10 to 15 years, this wine unfolds its full splendor. On the palate, a rich bouquet unfolds, seducing the senses with its balance and depth. The combination of different grape varieties results in a unique texture that is both velvety and lively. This wine is a masterpiece of aging in small wooden barrels, which adds an additional dimension of sophistication and character. The maceration period of up to a week...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 14.5% vol
Product from: Italien
Special features: Cuvee aus Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Tocai Friulano
2800  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (3733 € per Liter)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Vegan and Organic | Tradition and Versatility | Easy Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Alchemilla Bio Tincture This product is free from artificial additives and focuses on the purity of organically grown plants. The included organic alcohol not only effectively extracts the valuable ingredients from Alchemilla, but also naturally preserves them. The tincture is vegan and organically certified, making it a responsible choice for your daily routine. The easy application - a few...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1390  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (46333 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Heißgeliebter Cola-Geschmack,   zuckerreduziert und ohne Phosphorsäure! Gesund, natürlich, vegan... LiquidLife Cola wurde von einem Team sachkundiger und erfahrener Lebensmittelwissenschaftler und Chemiker entwickelt, um auf zellulärer Ebene mit dem natürlichen Energieproduktionssystem des Körpers zusammenzuarbeiten. Es versorgt dieses System mit einer Vielzahl von Mineralien. LiquidLife Cola wurde entwickelt, um Ihnen einen gesunden und anhaltenden Energieschub zu geben, ohne dass Sie das...
5350  (Incl. tax)
24 ml (223 € per ml)
In Stock
LiquidLife Energy 24 Cans For all those who love energy drinks, combined with vitamins and minerals LiquidLife Energy was developed by a team of knowledgeable and experienced food scientists and chemists to work together with the body's natural energy production system at a cellular level. It supplies this system with a variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. This provides important nutrients to the mitochondria - often referred to as the powerhouse of a cell - and supports the production of ATP - adenosine triphosphate. ATP is considered the fuel or energy that cells need...
4800  (Incl. tax) 4990 
24 Stück (200 € per Stück)
In Stock
LiquidLife minerals LiquidLife CAPSULES CERTIFIED DIETARY SUPPLEMENT LiquidLife minerals are extracted from Mancos Shale and contain 75 colloidal plant-based minerals. Since LiquidLife minerals are of plant origin, they are much better absorbed than metallic minerals. They are hydrophilic - meaning water-attracting, water-soluble, and negatively charged, which is why they are also called colloidal - meaning better absorbable - plant-based minerals.
Special features: 90 capsules
4820  (Incl. tax)
90 Kapseln (054 € per Kapseln)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 60
LiquidLife minerals Mineral spray with essential minerals, easy to use, can be used anytime. Liquid minerals for humans In our special blend of liquid minerals, you will find up to 75 minerals that your body absorbs perfectly. The minerals are colloidal! LiquidLife minerals are extracted from Mancos shale and contain 75 colloidal plant minerals. Since LiquidLife minerals are of plant origin, they are much better absorbed than metallic minerals. They are hydrophilic - meaning they attract water, water-soluble, and negatively charged, which is why they are called colloidal - or better absorbable - plant minerals. SenTraMin...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 60
4950  (Incl. tax)
60 ml (82500 € per 1000 ml)
liquidlife tropic online kaufen bei austriavital -4%
In Stock
LiquidLife Tropic 24 Cans South Seas feeling on your lips with tropical mango and passion fruit flavor. LiquidLife Tropic was developed by a team of knowledgeable and experienced food scientists and chemists to work in synergy with the body's natural energy production system at the cellular level. It provides this system with a variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. This ensures that the mitochondria - often referred to as the powerhouse of a cell - are supplied with important nutrients and supports the production of ATP - adenosine triphosphate. ATP is considered the fuel...
4800  (Incl. tax) 4990 
24 Stück (200 € per Stück)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 13% vol, Brand: Kabola winery
The Kabola Malvazija Unica is an outstanding example of the elegance and complexity that the Istrian Malvazija grape can offer. This wine presents itself in an appealing straw-yellow color with golden reflections that underline its quality and maturity. Upon the first sniff, it unfolds a bouquet of ripe pears seamlessly transitioning into nuances of dry grass, almonds, and dried figs. This diversity of flavors reflects the rich Istrian landscape and meticulous winemaking. On the palate, the Kabola Malvazija Unica reveals itself as dry, warm, and smooth while maintaining a refreshing freshness. The tannins are...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 13% vol
Product from: Kroatien
Special features: Istrian Malvazija mash-fermented
2200  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (2933 € per Liter)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural Quality | Vegan | Versatile Application | Traditionally Proven | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Meadowsweet Blossom Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with the Meadowsweet Blossom Organic Tincture! This tincture is made without artificial preservatives and relies on the proven methods of traditional herbal extraction. By using organic alcohol, the natural ingredients are optimally preserved and active. Its easy application makes it an ideal companion for your daily life. Whether at...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% natural ingredients | Organic alcohol base | Versatile | Easy to use | Made in Austria | Fast shipping Milk Thistle Organic Tincture The Milk Thistle Organic Tincture from Auwald offers you a simple way to support your well-being without the need for preservatives. The base of organic alcohol allows for the effective extraction and preservation of the valuable ingredients of milk thistle. This tincture is particularly versatile and can be easily integrated into your daily routine by simply taking it...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 13,5% vol, Brand: Weingut Moser
The Moser Grüner Veltliner Minimal is an incomparable white wine, enchanting the senses with its variety of aromas. It presents itself with notes of exotic fruits and a hint of caramel, which unfold harmoniously in the mouth. On the palate, it is full-bodied and creamy, accompanied by a strong mineral imprint. This voluminous, yet elegant wine impresses with a long finish and reflects the high art of winemaking.   Recommended Enjoyment Moments with Moser Grüner Veltliner Minimal...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 13,5% vol
Product from: Austria
Special features: Spontaneously fermented in used 300l wooden barrels, without mash contact, unfiltered, no sulphur added
3300  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (4400 € per Liter)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural Extraction | Preservative-Free | Versatile | Vegan and Organic | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Butterbur Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with the Butterbur Organic Tincture in 30 ml. This tincture is made using high-quality organic alcohol, allowing the valuable plant ingredients to be optimally extracted and preserved - without any artificial additives. The product is easy to use and convenient for everyday use. The clear labeling ensures full transparency about the ingredients....
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural Quality | Alcoholic Base | Versatile | Easy Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Artemisia Bio Tincture Made from high-quality, organic ingredients and preserved in an alcoholic solution of 38% vol, this tincture offers a pure and preservative-free alternative to conventional dietary supplements. Artemisia Bio Tincture is an essential companion for your daily life due to its versatility and easy application. The ingredients are transparently declared on each bottle, so you always know...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Organic Quality | Alcohol Content 38% vol | Versatile Use | Easy Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Organic Nettle Root Tincture This tincture is made from high-quality nettle roots and soaked in organic alcohol to extract the valuable ingredients optimally. The result is a versatile, naturally preserved product without any additional preservatives. Simply dilute the recommended amount with water or take it directly. Thanks to the clear labeling of all ingredients, you are always informed...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (43000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural Ingredients | Optimal Preservation | Easy Application | Versatile Use: | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Common Agrimony Organic Tincture Discover the natural solution for your daily life with the Common Agrimony Organic Tincture from Auwald. This tincture combines traditional knowledge and modern, natural preservation through 38% vol. organic alcohol, which optimally extracts the valuable plant substances. Convenient to use and easy to dose, this small bottle offers a versatile way to enrich...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1390  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (46333 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Alcohol content: 38% vol, Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Purely plant-based | 100% Organic Certified | Free from additives | Made in Austria | Easy application | Fast shipping Natural Herbal Extracts for Your Well-being Experience natural support for your well-being with our "Good Gut Feeling" Organic Herbal Drops. This special blend of yarrow, lemon balm, angelica root, and other valuable herbs is ideal for calming your digestive system and promoting a healthy gut feeling. Made from 100% organically certified ingredients, we guarantee you a product free from...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: Yarrow, lemon balm, angelica root, milk thistle, peppermint, licorice root, fennel, camomile
Alcohol content: 38% vol
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Product from: Austria
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Certified Organic | Versatile | No Animal Products | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Organic Licorice Root Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Organic Licorice Root Tincture. This tincture uses high-quality organic alcohol to extract the natural active ingredients of licorice root, without any chemical preservatives. The versatile uses of this tincture are based on proven recipes that have been known for hundreds of years. Each bottle is clearly labeled so you know exactly what...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (43000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter, Alcohol content: 13.5% vol, Brand: PARASCHOS
The Paraschos KAI, an exquisite Tocaj Friulano, is a symphony for the senses. This orange wine, a blend of Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Tocaj Friulano, Ribolla Gialla, Picolit, Verduzzo, and Pinot Bianco, reveals a fascinating complexity. With an alcohol content of 13.5% and a shelf life of at least 10 to 15 years, it presents itself as a wine of exceptional quality and longevity. In the glass, the Paraschos KAI unveils a bright orange color that immediately catches the eye. On the palate, the wine is full-bodied and rich, with a perfect balance between fruitiness and subtle acidity. Notes of dried fruits and a slight...
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: O - Sulfites: Sulfur dioxide and sulfite in a concentration higher than 10 mg/liter (E220 - E228)
Net quantity: 0,75 Liter
Alcohol content: 13.5% vol
Vegan: Vegan
Product from: Italien
Special features: Cuvee aus Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Tocai Friulano, Ribolla Gialla, Picolit, Verduzzo, Pinot Bianco
3500  (Incl. tax)
0.75 Liter (4667 € per Liter)